IYGU has been proclaimed by the International Councils of the Natural, Social, and Human Sciences: ICSU - International Council for Science, ISSC - International Social Science Council and CIPSH - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences.
IYGU addresses the ways in which we inhabit an increasingly globalized world. IYGU connects local actions and global challenges, focuses on the global sustainability of local action, recognizes culturally different paths to global sustainability. IYGU addresses key United Nations Charter Constitution issues. It aims to strengthen international co-operation by preparing new strategies to face global challenges. The 2016 International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) is based on an initiative of the International Geographical Union (IGU) that seeks support for its widespread implementation beyond the field of science.
IYGU website: http://www.global-understanding.info
The December IYGU Newsletter is now available at: http://eepurl.com/crxsp5