Monday, May 27, 2019

IAPG symposium on geoethics at the 36th IGC:

Geoethics: Ethical, Social and 
Cultural Aspects in Geosciences

The 36th IGC - International Geological Congress will be held in Delhi (India) from 2 to 8 March 2020.

IAPG is organizing the Symposium 1.7,  entitled "Geoethics: Ethical, Social and Cultural Aspects in Geosciences" and chaired by Silvia Peppoloni ( (Italy), Nic Bilham (UK), Peter T. Bobrowsky (Canada), Martin Bohle (Belgium), Vincent S. Cronin (USA), Giuseppe Di Capua (Italy), within the Theme 1 "Geoscience for Society".

Description of the Symposium 1.7 by IAPG:

All branches of geosciences have ethical, social and cultural implications. Geoethics aims to provide a common framework for these concerns, and to discuss on the appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system.

The spectrum of topics this symposium aims to deal with includes:

i) ethical and social problems related to management of land, coasts and open oceans,
ii) socio-environmentally sustainable supplies of energy and geo-resources, 
iii) pollution and its impact, 
iv) resilience of society related to natural-anthropogenic hazards, and risk mitigation strategies, 
v) geoscience communication and education, 
vi) culture and value of geodiversity, geoheritage, geoparks, 
vii) role of geosciences in socio-economic development regardless of countries' wealth while respecting cultures, traditions and local development paths, and in promoting peace, sustainable development and intercultural exchange. 

Acknowledging the role of Geoscientists at the service of society, this symposium, proposed by IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (, aims to develop ethical and social discussion on following topics, including case-studies: 

a) Geoethics in natural-anthropogenic risk management, 
b) Ethical aspects of geoscience education and communication,
c) Geoethics for responsible use of geo-resources, 
d) Research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences, 
e) Geoethics in addressing global societal challenges.

The abstract submission is open (deadline: 31 August 2019):

Registration to the 36th IGC (super early bird registration by 31 July 2019):

IAPG for the 36th IGC 2020:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

IAPG session on geoethics at the EGU 2019:
Susanne Schneider-voss and
the Ethics Platform of the BOKU University

Susanne Schneider-voss (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria) speaks about the poster on the Ethics Platform of the BOKU University in Vienna, presented in Vienna at the EGU General Assembly 2019, during the IAPG session on Geoethics (

EGU2019-14037: Values: discuss, reflect upon, live (by Susanne Schneider-voss, Markus Fiebig, Günter Langergraber, and Sebastian Handl)

Read more about this poster at:

Video of Susanne's interview in the IAPG YouTube Channel:

IAPG YouTube Channel:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Monday, May 20, 2019

"Geoethics and Geological Culture"

Silvia Peppoloni

University "Roma Tre"
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1
Rome (Italy)

24 May 2019
10:00 - 12:00
Aula E

Silvia Peppoloni
Silvia Peppoloni (Secretary General della IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics e Coordinatore della Sezione di Geoetica e Cultura Geologica della Società Geologica Italiana) holds the seminar entitled "Geoethics and Geological Culture" at the University "Roma Tre" (Rome, Italy).

This event is included in the list of seminars "Geology for the Working Environment" for university students in Geological Sciences. The seminars are organized by the University "Roma Tre" in cooperation with the Professional Association of Geologists of Lazio.

Website of the University "Roma Tre":

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: 

Friday, May 17, 2019

a new paper just published (free access):

The ‘Anthropocene Proposal’:
A Possible Quandary and A Work-Around

(by Martin Bohle and Nic Bilham)

The debates about naming the unfolding times of anthropogenic global change the ‘Anthropocene’ are ultimately debates about the ‘human condition’. The proposal to amend the geological time scale by adding an ‘Anthropocene’ epoch (that is, the ‘Anthropocene proposal’ in its strict sense) is both an intra-geoscience debate about scientific sense-making and a debate about the societal context of the geosciences. This essay juxtaposes these debates, starting from three postulates: first, that the scientific methods of geological chronostratigraphy are applied rigorously; second, that anthropogenic global change is happening; and third, that the ‘Anthropocene proposal’ may be rejected if it does not meet the conditions required for its approval based on the rigorous application of the scientific methods of geological chronostratigraphy. These postulates are analysed through the lenses of the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics and the normative statements of the ‘geoethical promise’. It is found that an ethical quandary would arise if the ‘Anthropocene proposal’ were to be rejected. Consequently, and given the societal contexts of the geosciences, it is explored whether distinguishing between the geological past (as demarcated according to current chronostratigraphic methodology) and contemporary geological–historical times (characterised somewhat differently) could offer a work-around to tackle the quandary.

Anthropocene; societal geosciences; geoethical promise; ethical dilemma; geological time scale

How to cite
Bohle M. and Bilham N. (2019). The ‘Anthropocene Proposal’: A Possible Quandary and A Work-Around. Quaternary, 2, 19; doi:10.3390/quat2020019.

Download this paper

Publications on geoethics

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

IAPG session on geoethics at the EGU 2019:
Vitor Correia and the project INTERMIN

Vitor Correia (EFG - European Federation of Geologists) speaks about the poster by the INTERMIN project, presented in Vienna at the EGU General Assembly 2019, during the IAPG session on Geoethics (

EGU2019-6822: Social skills: the cornerstone of the 21st Century mining sector. The International Network of Raw Materials Training Centers project (INTERMIN) (by Jelena Vidovic, Vitor Correa, Luis Jorda, Manuel Regueiro, Boris Malyuk, and Philipp Hartlieb)

Read more about this poster at:

Video of Vitor's interview in the IAPG YouTube Channel:

INTERMIN project website:

IAPG YouTube Channel:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Conference on Geoethics in Munich
9 May 2019

Martin Bohle
Martin Bohle (IAPG Board of Experts) takes a conference in Munich (Germany) entitled (in German): "Geoethics Verantwortung übernehmen als Geowissenschaftler*in?", organized by the Working Group on Environmental Geosciences of the Münchner GeoZentrum.

The conference takes place on 9 May 2019 at Hörsaal C 006, Luisenstr. 37, Munich.

For information:

Download the leaflet:

IAPG events on geoethics:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: