Thursday, September 30, 2021

New book just printed!

We inform you that a
 new important book (16 chapters, 20 authors) has been just printed:

Bohle M. and Marone E., Eds. (2021). Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, XXV+221 pp., ISBN 978-3030790271.

This book provides an accessible overview of the societal relevance of contemporary geosciences. Engaging various disciplines from humanities and social sciences, the book offers philosophical, cultural, economic, and geoscientific insights into how to contextualise geosciences in the node of Culture and Nature.
The authors introduce two perspectives of societal geosciences, both informed by the lens of geoethics. Throughout the text, core themes are explored; human agency, the integrity of place, geo-centricity, economy and climate justice, subjective sense-making and spirituality, nationalism, participatory empowerment and leadership in times of anthropogenic global change. The book concludes with a discussion on culture, education, or philosophy of science as aggregating concepts of seemingly disjunct narratives.
The diverse intellectual homes of the authors offer a rich resource in terms of how they perceive human agency within the Earth system. Two geoscientific perspectives and fourteen narratives from various cultural, social and political viewpoints contextualise geosciences in the World(s) of the Anthropocene.

This book is dedicated to Mario Bunge.


Why Geo-societal Narratives?

Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics

Geoethics Beyond Enmeshment: Critical Reflections on the Post-humanist Position in the Anthropocene

After the Permafrost: A Provisional Outline

A Critique of (Weak) Anthropocentric Geoethics

Exploring the Relevance of the Spiritual Dimension of Noosphere in Geoethics

How to Promote Responsible Conducts Towards the Environment: A Semiotic Cultural Psychological Analysis

A Copernican Moment: Engaging Economic Ethics in Orchestrating the Geocentric Turn in Economics

Geoethics: A Reality Check from Media Coverage of the Anthropocene

Geoethics Versus Geopolitics. Shoring up the Nation in the Anthropocene Cul-de-sac

Sustainable Small-Scale Fishing and Artisanal Mining Need Policies Favourable to a Level Playing Field

Climate Change, Uncertainty and Ethical Superstorms

GAIA’s Futures in the Anthropocene: A Call for Evolutionary Leadership

Geo-scientific Culture and Geoethics

Humanistic Geosciences: A Cultural and Educational Construction

Geosciences and Geoethics in Transition: Research Perspectives from Ethics and Philosophy of Science—A Commentary

This book on the Springer Link website:


Other books and special issues on geoethics in the IAPG website:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Monday, September 27, 2021

Geoethics in a Training Course on Oceans

November 2021 - February 2022

Eduardo Marone (IAPG-Brazil coordinator) is chair of the module "Geoethics" in the Training Course on Ocean Governance, Ocean Sciences, and Geoethics, organized by the International Ocean Institute - Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (IOI-TC-LAC).

The IAPG is partner organization of this training course.


Other events on geoethics:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Just published in the special issue on geoethics of the journal Sustainability

We are glad to inform that the a new paper has been published in the special issue "New Advances on Geoethics and Sustainable Development" of the journal Sustainability. The guest editors of this special issue are Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua.

The paper published is entitled:

"Geoethics to Start Up a Pedagogical and Political Path towards Future Sustainable Societies

and authored by Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua.

This paper is fully open access and can be downloaded here:

"The development of geoethics is at a turning point. After having strengthened its theoretical structure and launched new initiatives aimed at favouring the spread of geoethical thinking, geoethics must deal with some issues concerning the social organization of dominant cultures, the existing economic structures, and the political systems that govern the world. Nowadays geoethics must move towards the construction of a pedagogical proposal, which has a formative purpose, for future generations and the policy leaders, but also a political one, in the noble sense of the term, that is, concerning the action of citizens who take part in public life. The pedagogical and political project of geoethics will have to be founded on the principles of dignity, freedom, and responsibility on which to ground a set of values for global ethics in order to face planetary anthropogenic changes. Furthermore, this project must be inclusive, participatory, and proactive, without falling into simplistic criticism of the current interpretative and operational paradigms of the world, but always maintaining realism (therefore adherence to the reality of the observed facts) and a critical attitude towards the positive and negative aspects of any organizational socio-economic system of human communities. In our vision there can be no sustainability, adaptation, or transition in human systems that do not pass through an ethical regeneration of the human beings, who are aware of their inborn anthropocentric and anthropogenic perception/position and assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions impacting the Earth system. In fact, the ecological crisis is the effect of the crisis of humans who have moved away from their intimate human nature. Through this paper we want to enlarge disciplinary areas that should be investigated and discussed through the lens of geoethical thinking and propose geoethics for an ethical renewal of societies, making them more sustainable from a social, economic, and environmental perspectives."

This paper can be cited as follows:

Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021). Geoethics to Start Up a Pedagogical and Political Path towards Future Sustainable Societies. Sustainability, 13(18), 10024. 


Other publications on geoethics in the IAPG website:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Saturday, September 4, 2021

The issue n. 2 - 2021 
of the IAPGeoethics Newsletter is out!

The issue n. 2 - 2021 of the Newsletter of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics was released on 4 September 2021.

  • New GSL book: Geoethics - Status and Future Perspectives
  • New book: Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • International Geoethics Day 2021
  • Watch the videos of the Short Course on Geoethics
  • 10 years of sessions on geoethics at the EGU General Assembly: watch the video
  • miniGeology interviewed Peter Bobrowsky on geoethics
  • Special Issue of the journal Sustainability (call for papers) "New Advances on Geoethics and Sustainable Development": two new papers published
  • New article: Linking Geological Heritage and Geoethics
  • IAPG supports the Lisbon Declaration on Humanities, Open Research and Innovation
  • Geoethics in the 2021 IPBES-IPCC document
  • IAPG report included in the 2020 Annual Report of the IUGS
  • The IAPG section of Bolivia
  • The IAPG section of Afghanistan
  • IAPG-Peru has a new coordinator
  • New member of the IAPG Board of Experts
  • IAPG Task Group on Responsible Speleology
  • Past events
  • Articles from the IAPG Blog
  • Donations

We invite you to share this post and/or forward the IAPGeoethics Newsletter n. 2 - 2021 to your colleaguesThank you!

IAPG Newsletter archive:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Friday, September 3, 2021

International Geoethics Day 2021

14 October 2021

To celebrate the 5th edition of the International Geoethics Day, send an email to with a photo of you together with a geological item of the place where you live (outcrop, rock, mineral, fossil, geological landscape and/or process). In alternative, post your photo on social media by using the hashtag: #geoethicsday2021.

Moreover, if you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2021

​Past editions of the International Geoethics Day:


IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A new member for the IAPG Task Group on Responsible Speleology

Dr. Oana T. Moldovan (Romania) was appointed as member of the IAPG Task Group on Responsible Speleology (TGRS).
Oana has a degree at the Faculty of Biology, Geography & Geology, "Babes Bolyai" University, Cluj (Romania) and got her PhD at the "Paul Sabatier" Université, Toulouse (France) in 1997. She is Senior Researcher at the Romanian Academy, "Emil Racovita" Institute of Speleology, Cluj Department, Associated Professor at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Associated Researcher at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, CENIEH (Burgos, Spain), and Associated Researcher at the Romanian Institute of Science and Technology (RIST). She gave lectures on Hydrobiology, Ecological reconstruction, Statistics for ecology, Biospeleology. She is editor-in-chief of Subterranean Biology and associated editor of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. She got the George Barițiu Medal for outstanding scientific results from the Romanian Academy – Cluj Branch in 2016.
IAPG wishes to express its congratulations to Oana T. Moldovan for the position she has assumed in the IAPG organization.

The page of the TGRS on the IAPG website:


Other IAPG Task Groups:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: