Friday, December 22, 2017

Steps to improve awareness of geoethics in your department

by Vince Cronin, co-coordinator of IAPG-USA

Vince Cronin
I was offered the opportunity to address the 2017 Workshop for Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Sciences Departments at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in New Orleans last week (

I have posted the substance of my brief presentation about "steps to improve awareness of geoethics in your department" at page has a number of links to resources that you might find interesting or useful. 

I would be interested in having you read through the materials I have posted there, think about how you can help move this work forward, and then share your ideas, suggestions, and links to useful applied-ethics resources. You can post your contributions to IAPG ( directly or through its social media outlets (facebook, linkedin, twitter, etc.). This should be a shared effort to facilitate the ethical development of our geoscience community.

Facilitating the development of ethical geoscientists is the responsibility of all of us.

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: