Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The issue #3 - 2017 of the IAPG Newsletter is out!


- Call for abstracts
- Cape Town Statement on Geoethics: news
- New national Sections
- New Publications
- Affiliations/Agreements
- Partnerships
- Exhibitions
- Teaching Geoethics
- From IAPG Blog
- Donations

Download the IAPG Newsletter #3 - 2017 at:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Monday, September 25, 2017

Updating from IAPG-Pakistan

IAPG-Pakistan took a one-day workshop in the Conference Room of the Department of Geology (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan), on 18 September 2017, entitled: "IAPG-Pakistan section: role and responsibility".
Muhammad Yaseen (Coordinator of IAPG-Pakistan) delivered a brief presentation about the section and its future activities. Emad Ullah Khan (co-coordinator of IAPG-Pakistan) informed participants about modalities of the membership to the IAPG. It was highlighted that monthly meeting will be organized at the Department of Geology in order to show progress of IAPG-Pakistan and to involve students in the activities of the section.
During the workshop, students and IAPG-Pakistan coordinators discussed the following issues:

  • IAPG membership. 
  • What is the role and responsibility of the IAPG section in Pakistan.
  • Role of students in promoting IAPG-Pakistan: some active members will be selected from the currents semester in order to arrange a field work in the Nowshera Reef area, by collecting fossil samples for teaching. 

Students showed a great interest in IAPG-Pakistan and asked questions about possibilities to be involved actively in its events.


IAPG National Sections:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Friday, September 15, 2017

New IAPG Special Issue:
Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience

The first 5 papers of the new IAPG Special Issue on Geoethics have been published online in the Annals of Geophysics website and are now available for free download.
The special volume is entitled "Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience" and is edited by Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter T. Bobrowsky, Vincent S. Cronin.
We will keep you informed about the next papers that will be published in this volume.

Papers already published:

Green Mining – A Holistic Concept for Sustainable and Acceptable Mineral Production
Pekka Nurmi

A Concept of Society-Earth-Centric Narratives
Martin Bohle, Anna Sibilla, Robert Casals I Graells

Geoethics in science communication: the relationship between media and geoscientists
Franco Foresta Martin, Silvia Peppoloni

Furthering Ethical Requirements for Applied Earth Science
Martin Bohle, Erle C. Ellis

Delivering Sustainable Development Goals: the need for a new international resource governance framework
Edmund Nickless

Free Download at:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New paper on geoethics:
Acceptability of geothermal installations:
A geoethical concept for GeoLaB

We inform you about the following paper published online in the journal Geothermics:

Meller C., Schillb E., Bremer J., Kolditz O., Bleicher A., Benighaus C., Chavot P., Gross M., Pellizzone A., Renn O., Schilling F., Kohl T. (2017). Acceptability of geothermal installations: A geoethical concept for GeoLaBGeothermics, Available online 14 August 2017,

The growing demand for energy, natural resources and urban expansion during the last two centuries increased human interference with the geosphere far beyond geothermal usage. The increasing number of large-scale projects intervening the area of life of communities raised public concerns related to their environmental and social impact. Integration of public concerns into such projects should therefore go beyond outreach and communication measures. It requires an open approach to inclusive governance structures with respect to designing research and development processes and to modify technological options. Geoethical concepts emphasize that geoscientific knowledge may assist society in decision making as well as in dealing with risks, user conflicts and environmental threats on local, regional and global scale in order to support more sustainable practices at the intersection of human beings and the geosphere.
In the present article, we analyse the social response to recent geothermal development and identify the precondition for public acceptability of geothermal projects. On this basis, the potential contribution of a GeoLaB, a Geothermal Laboratory in the crystalline Basement, to a geoethic approach in geothermal research and technology development is discussed. The underground research laboratory is planned as an infrastructure to answer scientific challenges and to offer the necessary transparency to interact with the public. The GeoLaB approach aims on transparent, tangible science and can serve to enhance mutual understanding of stakeholder groups. It may increase public awareness on geothermal research and potentially enhance the opportunity for public approval of planned activities. As a generic site, GeoLaB can develop scientific-technological solutions for a responsible exploitation of geothermal energy accompanied by sociological studies. The underground research laboratory will serve as a platform for science communication, participation and dialogue of stakeholders from industry, politics, administration and society. This complies with the comprehension of responsible research in a geoethical sense.

Other articles on geoethics:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Monday, September 11, 2017

Training Course on
"Ocean Governance, Sciences, Geoethics"
in Chile

IAPG is partner of a traning course on "Ocean Governance, Sciences, Geoethics" organized by the International Ocean Institute (IOI) - Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean.
This course will be held in Valparaiso (Chile) from 8 January to 2 February 2018, and hosted by the Universidad de Playa Ancha - UPLA, at the Centro De Estudios Avanzados of UPLA.
IAPG-Brazil (coordinator: Prof. Eduardo Marone) is in charge to preprare the module on geoethics in the training course.

More information at:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Friday, September 8, 2017

A quest: Citizen Science in Geosciences?

by Martin Bohle
Martin Bohle

Corresponding Citizen Scientist / IAPG 

Picture credit:
Sven Hedin, sculpture by Carl Milles, photo taken at Millesgarden;

At the EGU General Assembly (Vienna) in April 2017 my contribution "Citizen-science, Geoethics and Human Niche" concluded that geosciences should strengthen their citizen science activities.

I like to prepare an updated view for the EGU General Assembly 2018*. Therefore, I seek information about citizen science projects / activities in geosciences; beyond geography.
In 2017 my argumentation has been:
  • The application case for geoethics 'appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system' is about niche building. 
  • 'Niche building' means the design of production systems and consumption patterns that embeds geoscience expertise and relates it to citizens' daily life; They are purposefully interconnecting to the biogeosphere for well-being, care taking, and reproduction, although habitually i) without involving a geoscientist in professional capacity, and ii) knowing about the interconnection. In this manner, the everyday behaviours and practices of people influence Earth system dynamics, their inherent geoscience knowledge is a public good, and their ignorance is a public risk. 
  • Subsequently, I argued: when considering the ethical dimensions of global niche building, then the geosciences should feature 'citizen geoscience'. 
Considering practices, citizen science activities seem to be a very limited undertaking in geosciences, as initial evidence suggests:
  • Kullenberg and Kasperowski(1) estimate that less than 5% of citizen science projects are in geosciences.  
  • Searching google scholar (5/4/2017) for 'citizen geoscience' showed two entries(2). 
  • Searching the programme for the EGU General Assembly gave a short list of contributions(3). 
In 2018 I like to present at the EGU General Assembly, in the session on Geoethics*, an overview about citizen science projects/activities in geosciences.

Please help me to find these projects and activities.

(1): Kullenberg, Christopher; Kasperowski, Dick, 2016. What is Citizen Science – A Scientometric Meta-Analysis, 2016. PLOS one, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147152.

(2): i) Powell, John; Nash, Gemma; Bell, Patrick, 2013. GeoExposures: documenting temporary geological exposures in Great Britain through a citizen-science web site, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 (4), 638-647, DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2012.04.004;   ii) Wardlaw, Jessica 2015, 'Mars Rocks – introducing a citizen science project'. EGU-blog,

(3): Citizen Science at EGU 2017: 
  • Session IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Media: Citizen science and observatories for environmental monitoring, planning, and disaster resilience building; 
  • EGU2017-18275: Timing and duration of autumn leaf development in Sweden, a 4-year citizen science study;
  • EGU2017-17841: Challenges of citizen science contributions to modelling hydrodynamics of floods; 
  • EGU2017-13449:  Developing citizen science projects: Cut twigs for ‘chilling’ pupils; 
  • EGU2017-8662: Citizen Science for Traffic Planning: A Practical Example; 
  • EGU2017-17740:The PACA Project: Creating Synergy Between Observing Campaigns, Outreach and Citizen Science; 
  • EGU2017-8102: New possibilities in hydrological monitoring offered by experiences of Citizen Science: CITHYD, a web application for hydrometric measurements in rivers; 
  • EGU2017-3723: Creating a testing field where delta technology and water innovations are tested and demonstrated with the help of citizen science methods; EGU2017-7778: Reducing tick bite risk in Finland – combining citizen science and GIS for predictive modelling of tick occurrence; 
  • EGU2017-5220: Immersive participation: Smartphone-Apps and Virtual Reality - tools for knowledge transfer, citizen science and interactive collaboration; 
  • EGU2017-3310: Climate research, citizen science and art in Bangladesh; 
  • EGU2017-15595: Eco-drifters for a dispersion experiment at the mouth of the River Arno: the citizen-science contribution; 
  • EGU2017-3593: Can remote sensing help citizen-science based phenological studies?

* "Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication", organized by the IAPG in the "Educational and Outreach Symposia (EOS)" group of sessions. Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Giuseppe Di Capua, Eduardo Marone; The call for abstracts will be open in October 2017.

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Thursday, September 7, 2017


IAPG-Peru organizes MINERLIMA 2017, 3rd edition of the International Exhibition of Minerals (Feria Internacional de Minerales).

IAPG-Peru Logo
This is an important event for promoting geoethics and geosciences in Peru.

Dates: 9-12 November 2017.

Venue: Spanish Center of Peru, Av. Salaverry 1910, Jesus Maria, Lima.

Organizers: Humberto Chirif, Catterine Quiroz, Mirtha Villegas, Sonia Bermudez, Carlos Carnero, Carmen Galindo (IAPG-Peru).

More information at:


IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Monday, September 4, 2017

IAPG sessions on Geoethics at the RFG 2018 Conference


IAPG is technical partner of the Resources Future Generations - RFG 2018 Conference, and organizes or supports 5 sessions on different issues of geoethics under the Theme "Resources and Society: Social & Ethical Values(the extended description of each session is available at:

Session RS13 - Geoethics and Environmental and Social Responsibility: Doing the Right Thing to Develop Resources for Future Generations
Meeting the resource needs of future generations is a great challenge facing global society in which geoscientists and engineers have a vital role to play. The conveners invite submission of abstracts on practical and theoretical aspects of geoethics, and environmental and social responsibility, and on case studies, by focusing on challenges of sustainably meeting future demand for georesources. This session is jointly organized by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, and by the Environmental and Social Responsibility Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining.
Convenership: Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Peter Bobrowsky, Selina Tribe, Kim Bittman, Jan Boon, Karen Chovan, Édith Garneau, Carol Jones, Roberto Lencina, Isabelle Levesque.

Session RS10 - Geoethics in geoscience education, communication and citizen science: experiences, approaches, and concepts
Sharing experiences and insights from education, communication and citizen science, particularly with reference to natural resource case studies, this session will explore the ethical principles and practices by which the geosciences can advance the well-being and progress of society. The session is jointly organized by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and the GSL - Geological Society of London.
Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Iain Stewart.

Session RS9 - Geoethics in georisks management for a safer and more resilient society
A geoethical approach to georisks management needs to combine ethical, social and cultural values with technical and economic considerations, and to increase the awareness of geoscience community and society about the importance of developing actions of prevention. Abstracts on the ethical issues, including case studies, in studying and managing georisks in the geo-resources field are welcome. This session is organized by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics.
Convenership: Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter Brobrowsky, Vincent Cronin, Silvia Peppoloni, Stefano Tinti.

Session RS8 - Geoethics and the Responsible Conduct of Scientists
This session is focused on the ethical behaviors of scientists that are based on trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, justice and exercise of power. Interpersonal relations impact the ability of all scientists to work in a safe, inclusive, and productive environment. Contributions are invited that explore the principles, case studies, strategies, and resolution of issues that relate to professional conduct in areas such as supervisor-worker, faculty-student, editor-author, individual-team interactions, and client-contractor relations, and situational ethics such as coercion to engage unethical conduct of research, sexual harassment, bullying, and other coercive or abusive behaviors.
Convenership: David Mogk, Susan Kieffer, Cindy Palinkas.

Session RS12 - Forensic Geology: Ethics, Communication, Regulation and Opportunities
Recently, forensic geology has experienced global expansion and development, facilitated by the success of the IUGS Initiative on Forensic Geology, established in 2006. We will explore: ethical issues of geoscience data and expert opinion communication; assessing the strengths and limitations of geoscience data in forensic investigations; sampling strategies and geostatistics; ground search resources; application of geoscience databases; accreditation and regulation in forensic geology; alignment with forensic science; and case studies, including the illegal trade in geological commodities and international wildlife crime. In addition, dealing with sensitive human issues and handling human remains and sensitive data will be discussed.
Convenership: Duncan Pirrie, Rosa Maria Di Maggio, Lorna Dawson, Laurance Donnelly, Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua.

Read more about these sessions at:

Start your abstract submission (Abstracts will be accepted until January 15, 2018):

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

Friday, September 1, 2017

IAPG has become member organisation of the 
ICPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences

IAPG has become member organisation of the ICPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences on 6 August 2017, during the ICPHS General Assembly in Liège (Belgium).

Martin Bohle, IAPG Corresponding Citizen Scientist, represented IAPG in the ICPHS General Assembly (held at the World Humanities Conference) and gave a presentation about our Association. 

ICPHS General Assembly 2017
The ICPHS is a non-governmental organisation within UNESCO, which federates hundreds of different learned societies in the field of philosophy, human sciences and related subjects. The ICPHS ( coordinates the international works and researches carried out by a huge constellation of centres and networks of scholars. It favours the exchange of knowledge among faraway scholars and fosters the international circulation of scholars, in order to improve the communication among specialists from different disicplines, enforce a better knowledge of cultures and of the different social, individual and collective behaviours and bring to the fore the richness of each culture and their fruitful diversity. The International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies was founded on the 18th of January, 1949, in Brussels, at the request of UNESCO and under its auspices, following a meeting organized by the Union Académique Internationale to bring together representatives of nongovernmental organizations. From January 1, 2011, it adopted the designation “International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences”. The Board of the Assembly shall exercise the functions of the governing body of the Council between sessions of the General Assembly. It consists of one President, who is also President of the CIPSH, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the immediate Past President, and four to six Members. (Art. VI, §1 of the Statutes).

Read more about about IAPG affiliations, agreements and partnerships at:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: